‘Beehad Ka Baghi’ Review

‘Beehad Ka Baghi’ Review

Image Source : MXPlayer

A pointless revenge drama

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it” – Martin Luther King Jr

An Eye for an eye cannot solve all the problems though it may give a temporary channel to divert the grief or anger. One more revenge story inspired by true events Beehad Ka Baghi which is streaming on MXPlayer is a stark example of how violence abets more violence underlining the after-effects of an impulsive decision that results in the abrupt end of many precious lives.


Shiva (Dilip Arya) who is on the revenge mode after the brutal killing of his father and sister went on to become a force to reckon with in little time. His uprising sent shivers down the police force as well as the elected leaders.

The brutal killing of police personnel further ignites the rivalry and with the entry of the new SP (Manoj Joshi) things take a drastic turn as he is hell-bent on ending the legacy of Shiva and his gang.


Dilip Arya as Shiva is the lonely actor who managed to pull it off with a sensible performance. All other actors though put up hard work in trying to match up with his performance; they fail to create any major impression due to their poor and underdeveloped characterization.

Behind the scenes

The director Ritam Srivastava has somewhat presented a convincing saga of revenge in his earlier web series Rakthanchal which depicted the war between two gangs and their efforts to gain supremacy through various methods like getting the government contracts and doing several illegal businesses.

In contrast, Beehad Ka Baghi concentrates only on revenge which gets glorified rather than any other emotion. Though there is a love track, it was dealt with in an amateurish way and the incidents that followed this track looked quite melodramatic without any intensity.

The photography capturing the barren hillocks and raw terrain of Chtrakoot is somewhat appealing and both Hari Nair and Sharan Velayudhan Nair need special applause for their effort which is the only silver lining in this otherwise insipid series.

Verdict & Rating

It’s just one of those hardcore revenge stories that we watched umpteen times since the days of the epic film Sholay. There is nothing in Beehad Ka Baghi to boast about except bloodshed and gunshots.

The only appreciable feature is its length which fortunately got confined to 5 shorter episodes that also get unbearable at some point of the series.

Just skip this and go for other better shows that are available aplenty in the form of short films on YouTube which are much better than this pointless revenge drama that will certainly get on your nerves.

Rating: 1.5/5
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